Thursday, February 3, 2011


Can't wait until Gnomeo and Juliet comes out!  Have you seen the trailer?  We've been getting into the gnome thing a little bit over here (even before the movie trailer) after I discovered this awesome tutorial on wee folk art.  She has beautiful stuff!  So for this past Christmas, I made E a set of math gnomes (with their good friend pink gnome).

I gave her two bags of glass "gems," from the dollar store, so that the gnomes can find the gems in the forest and we can tell math stories!  (Yellow gnome has a multiplication sign on the front)  I learned to make their hats "bendy" (okay-bendable) here at Wabi-Sabi Wanderings another beautiful blog!  Gnomes love mushroom I'm told, so I painted two wooden knobs and then coated them with this great version of Mod Podge!  I think we should make a proper forest like here at Frugal Family Fun Blog for them to explore and hide in. E loves playing with her gnomes!  I can't wait to see her perform Shakespeare with them after we see Gnomeo and Juliet!
Happy Thursday,


  1. ADORABLE!!! WOW!!! You need to sell your creations. :)

  2. You're very sweet, thank you-place your orders now! ;)

  3. **LOVE** I would totally buy a set!


  4. Your gnomes are darling! I love the assortment of colours, and their function :-) And, yes, mushrooms and toadstools are VERY important to gnomes. To have gnomes go without would be cruel. I can see that *yours* are a happy bunch.
